I struggled with arthritis and excess body fat all my adult life. I tried many different weight loss programs and lots of different types of analgesics. While doing some research i stumbled onto some information that would change my life. Information that was free for the taking and easy....reduce my consumption of sugar. That was it . The weight came off it was great but something unexpected happened I had less pain I soon discovered that too much sugar caused inflammatory changes in my body and by simply reducing sugar i had less pain. So if your tired of being fat having no energy and being in pain all day, eat less sugar . You will be amazed.
Sabrina Ferguson: R.N. in Florida state
In April 2014 i woke up on the bathroom floor bleeding from my head. I had passed out and I didn't remember any of it. I was sent to the ER and admitted with high blood pressure. I was told I had had a stroke and possible heart attack. I weighed 397 lbs . A size 56 waist my blood pressure was out of control. I was scarred I had to do something. The doctor told me I was too fat. With the help of my wife i changed my eating habits. I stopped eating processed food sugar and white carbs. I also stopped eating artificial sweeteners. I cut down on salt. In 16 weeks i lost 50lbs...and my was able to cut my blood pressure medication in half.in two years I reached my goal weight of 205.lbs.
Henrey Ferguson